The Importance of Good Reasoning Skills for Resilience
Your mind loves to reason – it’s what many of us believe we’re best at!
Reasoning skills are a key factor in resilience and involve critical thinking, resourcefulness and problem-solving. To be truly effective it also requires us to understand ourselves really well.
Do you have a voice of reason?
Here are some questions to ask yourself – there are no wrong answers but the more honest you are with your answers the more benefit you’re going to get from it (even if the answer is “I have no idea”).
1. What are you good at?
Some people love doing detail, like budgeting. Others are “big picture” with broad brushstrokes, some are more “Let’s get started now and we’ll work it out as we go along” type people. And there are all kinds of variations in between. Do you know where you fit? What are you good at? How do you prefer to do things and what drives you crazy?
2. Conversely, where do you need some help?
If I’m a person that’s good with the big picture and strategy, typically my best friends are those who love procedures and administration. Why? Between us we ‘make a good whole’. What skills complement the ones you have naturally? Where are your blind spots? Finding someone who balances that, whom you trust, is a great gift. It could be a mentor, a partner, a colleague or a trusted friend.
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