How to bring Mental Health Safety into your workplace and to your clients to assist people going through mental health challenges and financial distress.

 The prevalence of mental health conditions by industry sector is highest in these industries

a. Accommodation and food services

b. Information media and telco

c. Wholesale and retail trade

*Source: Australian Government Mental Health Productivity Commission Inquiry Report No. 95, June 2020

Listen, listen, listen, don’t focus on my ‘I’ but focus on their YOU. Take my Manager hat off - my job is not to solve their problem” Engineering Manager

A very important topic and very relevant to our current situation. Thanks Bill. Well-presented and facilitated. Loved the open discussion and sharing of ideas too.” Sales Manager - Healthcare

People Leaders & HR Managers in these industries recognise that there is a strong association between mental health problems, customer-facing roles and financial difficulties. Therefore, managers and team members need knowledge and helping skills relevant to working with people with mental health challenges.

You are concerned that a greater number of  people are being impacted mentally, emotionally and financially by the pandemic and other factors – causing increased stress, anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts

You want your Managers and client-facing team members to be more skilled at recognising the signs, and therefore, helping people who are going through difficult personal or family situations. You are concerned they could make the situation worse, by saying the wrong thing or giving the wrong advice.

We understand. We can help you with evidence-based and Industry-approved mental health first aid certification.

Your Managers and your client-facing team members will want to take a more proactive approach to the Mental Health Safety of each other and your clients. This will position you as the experts in your industry.

Your customised Program will help you:


Be a Leader in Your Industry

Your People Leaders and Managers will demonstrate that they authentically care about the mental health and wellbeing of their team members and their clients.


Break Through Mental Health Issues

Meet your clients and team members where they are at… early intervention helps them to come to their own self-awareness and access the resources that are best suited to them. There is a proven 492% return on your investment.


Greater Employee Engagement

You will have a less stigmatised and more educated work force that will be more engaged and committed to their work. Engagement is 8 times higher in companies that prioritise wellbeing.


Massively Decrease Risk

Without a Mental Health Safety Strategy in your Workplace, you have increasing legal risks and people risks of: 

  1. Higher sick leave due to stress and increasing stress leave claims

  2. Higher client dissatisfaction

  3. Higher incidence of bullying claims

  4. Higher disengagement from many staff

This increases your workload massively

Imagine a situation in which your Managers and your client-facing team members could

  1. Identify the signs of mental unwellness

  2. Confidently approach and discuss with a team member or client – what to say and what not to say

  3. Have a caring conversation and help the person come to their own awareness

  4. Know what resources to refer to

  5. Manage their own self-care and the rest of the team

What a difference would that make to your clients and to the culture of your company.

What are the modes of delivery?

The Mental Health First Aid Skills – Certification Training has three modes of delivery

Group sizes are maximum of 12 people for virtual and 20 people for in-person - for the mental and emotional safety of all participants.

  1. Virtual delivery is an E-learning component [5-7hrs ]  plus 2 x 3 hr (with breaks) virtual interactive workshops

  2. Blended delivery is an E-learning component [5-7 hours] plus 4-6 hour in-person workshop

  3. In-person delivery is a two-day workshop – on your premises or selected venue

It’s Super Easy To Get Started

The Mental Health First Aid Skills – Certification Training has three modes of delivery

Step 1 - Schedule a discussion

Step 2 - Collaborate on creating a tailored plan

Step 3 - Let’s implement the plan together

Step 4 - Then celebrate your progression towards a mentally safe workplace

Listen, listen, listen, don’t focus on my ‘I’ but focus on their YOU. Take my Manager hat off - job is not to solve their problem” Engineering Manager

A very important topic and very relevant to our current situation. Thanks Bill. Well-presented and facilitated. Loved the open discussion and sharing of ideas too.” Sales Manager - Healthcare

You will …

  • Take a more proactive approach to the Mental Health Safety of your people and your clients

  • Empower your managers to have effective conversations with your people and your clients

  • Help your Managers to manage their own self-care and the rest of the team.

  • Demonstrate more care for your team members and your clients

  • Encourage your people to reach out and use the services that you have available for them

  • Improve your employer brand and employee engagement

“Bill Carson was very knowledgeable in the subject and came with a lot of experience through his work with Lifeline etc. Bill kept us all engaged and answered all the questions we asked.”

— Financial Services Company


Wellbeing and Mental Health - the ROI

The business case for employee mental health, resilience skills and wellbeing.


Yet, the potential ROI is 5X for wellbeing, mental health and resilience skills training & awareness programs … [Deloitte, Jan 2020]

6% of Wages

The direct business impact of mental health challenges can be significant – equivalent to around 6% of wages(1) and add to that the indirect costs such as reduced creativity, presenteeism and the unreported impact on colleagues.

However, increased employee wellbeing, mental health and resilience skills will drive up business profitability because productivity and creativity go up and avoidable employee related costs go down. And it is really good for your people and your clients/customers!