How to have successful mental health conversations in the workplace.

Most leaders and managers don't know how to handle mental & emotional unwellness in themselves, let alone in others!! This workshop will help you identify the signs, the causes and some of the challenges you may face when trying to have these C.A.L.M conversations. This live workshop will provide an insight into the workshops Bill Carson runs with hundreds of his leaders and managers and it will provide you with the foundations to start a conversation at work that really matters, and makes a difference.

This interactive workshop will be hosted live and will not be recorded as we need participants to be present and involved in the breakout sessions.


24 FEB 2022

  • 8-9AM AEDT

  • 12-1PM AEDT

  • 4-5PM AEDT



Workshop Host: 



Bill is someone who has been there, lived it and got the t-shirt.

Through a lived experience of over 30 years’ suffering, ‘hiding’ and overcoming his own depression and anxiety, Bill now blends his personal and professional expertise into developing Wellbeing, Mental Health and Resilience solutions for professionals.

Bill has a strong background in personal and professional development, including facilitation and coaching gleaned from many different industries including Manufacturing, Professional Services, Banking and Finance, Insurance, ITC, Healthcare and Retail.